Health and Quality of Life for the Biggest Adult

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Lidia Mustelier F.
Milagros Gutiérrez S.
Liudmila Juan M.


The investigative results that are exposed in this article are inserted in a topic that has acquired notability in recent years due to the growing trend of population aging and the aspiration of society that individuals reach higher levels in their quality of life; To this end, actions are proposed with the purpose of contributing to family orientation regarding aging, taking into account some factors that limit the quality of life in the elderly from the family. Scientific methods are used, from the theoretical and empirical levels. Essential relationships are established between aging, family, the elderly and quality of life that offer coherence to the internal logic of the study that is carried out, the conceptual order is deepened and actions are proposed whose implementation depends on the cohesive work of different socializing agents that coexist in the communities


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How to Cite
Health and Quality of Life for the Biggest Adult. (2022). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 4(2), 7.

How to Cite

Health and Quality of Life for the Biggest Adult. (2022). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 4(2), 7.