Higher Education and its Current Challenges

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Adailsis Jerez A.
Milagros Gutiérrez S.
Maribel Rodríguez N.


In the current situation, education faces important challenges aimed at improving academic management. Hence, this article aims to expose experiences and results around the challenges facing Cuban Higher Education, through the analysis of the essential lines that distinguish it for the assumption of positions and its implementation. The theoretical relationships and practical experiences such as science and innovation, educational research, the use of new technologies, the training of teaching staff and the study of representative figures of Cuban Pedagogy are analyzed. For this, scientific methods of the theoretical and empirical levels are used, which verify the results of the methodological scientific work of the Department of General Pedagogical Training Discipline. As conclusions, it is highlighted that Pedagogy provides the methodological basis and the scientific conception of the different processes that are developed from the curricular, research and extension teaching needs. Higher Education faces imperative challenges imposed by social practice and the training needs of students, developing processes of educational improvement or innovation that in recent years have focused on the use of available technological resources


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How to Cite
Higher Education and its Current Challenges. (2022). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 4(2), 6. http://ojs.formacion.edu.ec/index.php/rei/article/view/v4.n2.a6

How to Cite

Higher Education and its Current Challenges. (2022). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 4(2), 6. http://ojs.formacion.edu.ec/index.php/rei/article/view/v4.n2.a6