Universal design for learning as a transformative element in academic performance and school coexistence
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Schools of the 21st century are firmly on the way to becoming institutions in which everyone who is part of it has a place, granting them a leading role in all the processes that are developed and the way of appropriating knowledge is defined in terms of participation, presence, elimination of barriers and a common curriculum in which everyone can interact, whatever their condition, difficulty or learning situation. The objective of this article is to apply the Universal Design teaching strategy for learning to enhance linguistic competence in students with special educational needs in the last year of Primary Education. It is established as an essential deduction that the characteristic of a school imbued with the principles of universal design will contemplate that, in all its elements, levels and spheres, the inherent diversity that exists, that is, the different sensorial, motor, sensory, cognitive, affective and linguistic abilities that the students present, can participate and interact.
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Este trabajo tiene licencia DE Atribución/Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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