Education in population: challenge in the haitian context

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Sahilí Cristiá Lara
Elizabeth Bello Expósito


The importance of educating and informing on population matters and promoting a demographic culture is a recognized need. At present, the population and its study are essential for the effective undertaking of development projects, plans and strategies, since the changes that are evident in demographic variables (fertility, mortality and migration) have evident repercussions in all areas of society and they demand a greater presence of the State and the generation of public, social and sectoral policies. In the particular case of Haiti, making visible and making use of data on the population and its dynamics in development plans would translate into future actions focused on people and their well-being. The article starts from the qualitative methodology and uses document analysis as a technique. The results show that population education is an absent issue in the haitian context; a country in which there are still ways to go, as its context demands it and the conclaves realize the importance of considering the population in any development strategy.


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How to Cite
Education in population: challenge in the haitian context. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(1), 9.

How to Cite

Education in population: challenge in the haitian context. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(1), 9.