The early childhood education professional in the face of school diversity

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Gladys Mosquera Moreno


The present article exposes the most important ideas on the childish educator's work and the character multidimensional of its work, having as main function the action and result of educating, of driving from the early age the education, conceived this as a process multidirectional by means of which knowledge are transmitted, values, customs and forms of acting, the one which, it cannot move away from the expression of our actions, feelings and attitudes. This article in whose title puts on from relief to the childish Educator's, has as objective to meditate on the notability that he/she acquires the educational function in these ages and in particular its paper in the attention to the diversity of children and girls that exist in these universes. In this article they will find the reflections of the authors on the studies carried out by different researcher on this thematic one, as well as the approaches of a group of students of the career of Special Education and therapist language on the qualities that the childish educator's should possess to be able to assist the school diversity.


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How to Cite
The early childhood education professional in the face of school diversity. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(3), 8.

How to Cite

The early childhood education professional in the face of school diversity. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(3), 8.