Effective application of the TPACK Model in Pedagogical Strategies
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The educational system at present is in constant changes in the design of pedagogical strategies that
allow to manage an efficient learning of the students and their integration with the technologies. This
has led to the restructuring of pedagogical models and strategies that seek to coherently integrate new
technological trends as a support tool for teaching. For this, the TPACK Model (Technology, Pedagogy
and Knowledge Content) offers the teacher the possibility of designing activities and learning styles
enhanced by technology. This article analyzes the pedagogical strategies and their relationship with the
TPACK Model, which will allow the formation of new abilities, skills in students and teachers, in addition
to creating creative and innovative tools that make it possible to achieve increasingly significant
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Este trabajo tiene licencia DE Atribución/Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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