Educational guidance for teachers to favor attention to children with learning difficulties

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Yaliuska Ricardo Castañeda
Odalys Piña Batista
Sheila Bringas León


The purpose of educational guidance for teachers is to help the correct development of students by
personalizing the teaching-learning process adapted to the characteristics of each individual for
counseling students and families, from the professional activity of psychologists and counselors, with a
pedagogical and systematic character. The investigation is related to the educational orientation to the
primary teacher to favor the learning of the school, the educational needs, related to the pedagogical aids
that certain students require for their development and personal growth. Thus, these children are the
ones with learning limitations that, for different reasons, may need help to channel their cognitive process
in a normal way. In the same way, the importance of working with schoolchildren who have learning
difficulties is addressed so that they allow a better development and better quality of life. For the
development of the research, different scientific methods were used, such as observation, interviews,
analysis-synthesis and documentary analysis, where resources could be offered for their insertion in the
teaching-learning process based on the development of modes of action. The application of the different methods applied led to a change in the teacher's work from the elevation of professional motivation, self-
realization needs, self-assessment, acceptance of others, communication with others, attitudes among the assigned tasks for a better Personal development.


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How to Cite
Educational guidance for teachers to favor attention to children with learning difficulties. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 11(2), 5.

How to Cite

Educational guidance for teachers to favor attention to children with learning difficulties. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 11(2), 5.