Educational Work with Young People. A Challenge of the Universities in the 21st Century

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Juana Maria Cubela González


The present article deals with the educational work to be done with young people, the changes that might occur in the ways of conceiving and doing this work and the new attitudes that teachers should adopt to enable them to adapt to the new roles. In this sense, the objective is to promote reflection and self - reflection of teachers on how to carry out this work taking into account the characteristics of the students and the new socio - historical conditions that they have had to live, through a humanístic , personological and preventive approach that promotes development.


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How to Cite
Educational Work with Young People. A Challenge of the Universities in the 21st Century. (2016). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 4(1), 8.
Author Biography

Juana Maria Cubela González, Universidad de Oriente

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas y Profesora Titular, posee vasta experiencia como académica e investigadora. Se desempeñó como Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.  Actualmente es metodóloga de la Dirección de Formación del Profesional de la Universidad de Oriente. Cuba. Imparte docencia de pregrado y postgrado nacional e internacionalmente, ha tutorado tesis de doctorados y maestrías en Cuba y otros países y ha escrito importantes publicaciones en revistas nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con Psicología y Pedagogía.

How to Cite

Educational Work with Young People. A Challenge of the Universities in the 21st Century. (2016). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 4(1), 8.