Humanistic Training. A Challenge in the Face of Technological Development of Information and Communications


  • Sandra Pérez Alcolea Universidad de Oriente Author
  • Lianne Guillén Pérez Universidad de Oriente Author
  • Airxa Heredia Elías Universidad de Oriente Author



professional training, humanistic training, humanistic pedagogy and technology of information and communication


The presence of a globalized world implies opportunities and risks that for society and individual in particular has to be a point for reflection in the process of education and professional training. the development of Technology of Information and Communication (TIC) as essential foundation of this process favor it, for that it requires of a global and individual action of the human being to contribute solve such social, educational economical, cultural and politic problems; but for that it is demanded an education that contributes to such purposes, materializing need in a conception of humanistic formation as part of the integral training of the professional. The present piece of work assumes the humanistic pedagogical approach that recognizes the active role of the subject in the process of transformation of the social reality, as mail actor of the educative process starting from his historical context, stating as objective the reflection of the challenge the professional education training faces before each time greater impact of the new Technologies of Information and Communication in thesociety.




