Community Linkage Project Experiences Through the Administrative Commercial Research Line Focused on the Strategic Direction of the Higher Institute Technological Administrative and Vocational Training Commercial

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Lissette Juleysi Vacacela Conforme
Christopher A. Carchipulla
Cesar A. Valenzuela


In this rapporteur present the development of actions shown linkage with social and productive sectors, through the coordination of programs and projects that strengthen the teaching-learning process, this educational strategy allows to form integral professionals with a true conscience and social and environmental responsibility, contributing in the analysis and solution of specific problems of the community. It may denote the process for the implementation of projects of social development and the importance of the teaching role in the strategies and methodologies aimed at meeting the expected results.


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Community Linkage Project Experiences Through the Administrative Commercial Research Line Focused on the Strategic Direction of the Higher Institute Technological Administrative and Vocational Training Commercial. (2017). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 5(3), 8.

How to Cite

Community Linkage Project Experiences Through the Administrative Commercial Research Line Focused on the Strategic Direction of the Higher Institute Technological Administrative and Vocational Training Commercial. (2017). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 5(3), 8.