Entrepreneurship at the School of II - System Cycle of the National Education in theRepublic of Angola

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Safeca Machado
Santiesteban Labañino
Vinent Mendo


The diversified formation of young in schools of the II Cycle in Angola constitutes a concern at the moment for the country after reaching the peace. They are carried out remarkable efforts to achieve a growing development in diverse social spheres, where the scientific-technological advances and the models of formation of new generations are decisive for a sustainable development. This development demands transformations to promote education with quality that can give answers to the demands, socio-economic, cultural and it requires forming an autonomous man, with venturesome capacity, abilities that facilitate the solution of social problems. The present workrefers to the necessity of developing investigations that as alternative, give answers to the inadequacies in the youth's Angolan integral formation, which limit its entrepreneurship capacity. The investigation is in the initial phase, of study of the foundations epistemologists that sustain it, to provide necessary conceptual definitions. The entrepreneurship the school system of the II-cycle in the Republic of Angola, part of basic definitions of how the venturesome behavior is ssumed from a perspective of reasoned action. For they are used it methods and technical empiric that allow the initial diagnosis of the investigative process. The results will provide a pedagogic model of forming venturesome.


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How to Cite
Entrepreneurship at the School of II - System Cycle of the National Education in theRepublic of Angola. (2018). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(1), 10. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v6i1.93

How to Cite

Entrepreneurship at the School of II - System Cycle of the National Education in theRepublic of Angola. (2018). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(1), 10. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v6i1.93