Tutor Preparation That Guarantees to Face Challenges in the PedaguigicRaces From Its Functions


  • Martha Gloria Martínez Isaac Universidad de Oriente Author




Tutor, family orientation, functions, pedagogic careers


The new man's formation is an arduous task that concerns to all jointly those that influence in the teaching and education of the youngest, with the educator, they are the parents who have more than close the opportunity to develop in its children qualities and values that allow them to discover and to face the world, and to solve the problems that are presented in an intelligent way, optimist and responsible, of here the importance of developing this orientation process appropriately to the family. This work is carried out starting from the observation of deficiencies in the daily educational practice related with the educating tutor's preparation to influence in the educator's initial formation in those questions related with the orientation to the family, aspect that is corroborated starting from diagnoses carried out in the tutorship of investigations in the University of East of Santiago from Cuba in the last years, this analysis allowed to meditate on the educating tutor's preparation to guide the one that is in formation to develop the family orientation appropriately and to guarantee the confrontation to the new challenges and challenges in the pedagogic careers.

Author Biography

  • Martha Gloria Martínez Isaac, Universidad de Oriente

    Posee el título de Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas, posee la categoría docente  superior de Profesor Titular, con 32 años  de experiencia en la Educación Superior. Se desempeña como docente  del departamento de Formación Pedagógica General de la Universidad de Oriente y jefa de colectivo de Metodología de la Investigación Educativa en el área pedagógica. Ha realizado artículos y materiales docentes de interés para profesores y estudiantes,  imparte docencia en postgrado y pregrado.

