Didactic Strategy for the Production of Written Texts in Spanish as a ForeignLanguage


  • Virgen Arelys Ferrer Miyares Universidad de Oriente Author




Spanish as a Foreign Language, Written Text, Cooperative Learning, Reflection


In the teaching of Spanish as second language, the ability of writing is the one that presents the slowest progress in the learning of foreign students, and the limitations are in the insufficiencies that its teaching presents. This skill is very complex for its treatment in the classroom. It demands preparation of the teacher for its development, with the awareness of the obstacles that the student must overcome to be successful which presuppose its mastery that are shown when they can communicate themselves in written way different types of texts from many situations. In this project work a didactic strategy is presented, addressed to the improvements of the teaching learning process of Spanish as foreign language, with emphasis in the production of written texts. That is why; the activation of the process was taken into account, through the cooperative production of written texts in Spanish as foreign language. The purpose is to develop in students the production and efficiency where the self-cognition of its procedures and knowledges is fundamental.

Author Biography

  • Virgen Arelys Ferrer Miyares, Universidad de Oriente

    La autora es Licenciada en Letras, Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas, Máster en Enseñanza del Español como lengua extranjera y Profesora Titular. Se ha desempeñado como docente de pregrado y postgrado en el área de la Lingüística, la Literatura y la Didáctica del español como lengua materna y extranjera. Ha impartido docencia en Cuba y en el exterior (Venezuela y Francia) y participado como ponente en Simposios Conferencias, Coloquios y Congresos Internacionales; posee numerosas publicaciones en revistas y memorias de eventos.






How to Cite

Didactic Strategy for the Production of Written Texts in Spanish as a ForeignLanguage. (2018). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(2), 7. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v6i2.106