Methodology for the Development of Local Cultural Identity in the Students of the University of Guantánamo in Rurality and Mountain Conditions

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Adonis Mulen Favier
Idalberto Senú González


Due to insufficient research addressing the local cultural identity of university students in Guantánamo,in rural and mountain conditions this work has been carried out, which allows teachers to provide guiding elements of where to continue producing educational changes, which guide the continuous improvement of Higher Education based on their mission, vision and shared values. The research offers a methodology for the development of local cultural identity in the students of the University of Guantánamo in rural and mountain conditions. The contribution is concrete in the elaboration of the methodology that shows how to proceed to achieve this purpose from the educational process, so that the students identify with their locality. The results are corroborated from the criterion of specialists, a pedagogical experiment and its socialization in workshops of critical opinion and collective construction with the consequent fulfillment of the proposed objective.


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How to Cite
Methodology for the Development of Local Cultural Identity in the Students of the University of Guantánamo in Rurality and Mountain Conditions. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(3), 7.
Author Biography

Adonis Mulen Favier, Universidad de Guantánamo

Dr.C y Máster, experto en investigación. Actualmente es profesor principal de año  académico. Imparte docencia de pregrado y postgrado. Ha tutorado tesis de maestría y trabajos de diploma. Escribe publicaciones para revistas nacionales e internacionales acerca de personalidades y procesos históricos pedagógicos e historia local.

How to Cite

Methodology for the Development of Local Cultural Identity in the Students of the University of Guantánamo in Rurality and Mountain Conditions. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(3), 7.