Documentation of the Church of Santo Tomas from Photogrametry and Systems

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José Félix Pearce Pérez


The use of digital tools and techniques for the documentation of the built cultural heritage has a positive impact on the efforts made by professionals and researchers on the subject. Conventional digital photography, rectified photography, photogrammetry and CAD systems have become essential tools for the documentation of built heritage. In the local context, there are still few experiences in the use of these advanced techniques for the documentation of the built cultural heritage. This situation is reflected in the existing graphic documentation of the Church of Santo Tomas, considered one of the oldest, most valuable and characteristic temples of colonial religious architecture in Santiago de Cuba. The objective of this paper is to document the church of Santo Tomas from the use of digital tools and techniques, which allow greater precision and level of detail in the graphic information generated. With the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, methodological and practical contributions are achieved, which show the use of digital tools and techniques specifically photogrammetry and CAD systems to improve and expand the graphic documentation of the Santo Tomas church with the purpose of contributing to the intervention actions in the property.It
fosters the theory-practice link and gives a leading role to students in their learning process.


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How to Cite
Documentation of the Church of Santo Tomas from Photogrametry and Systems. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(1), 12.
Author Biography

José Félix Pearce Pérez, Universidad de Oriente

Arquitecto, con participación destacada en exámenes de premio, concursos, eventos  y fórum nacionales. Seleccionado para participar en el intercambios de experiencia entre las universidades de Francia y Cuba (Écolenationalesupérieured architecture de Paris-La Villette). Summa Cum Laude.

How to Cite

Documentation of the Church of Santo Tomas from Photogrametry and Systems. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(1), 12.