The Communicative Training of the Spanish Literature Student in Cuba

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María Rodríguez Cosme
Cecilia Fuente Álvarez
María Lescaille Rivera,


The formation of the student from education majors requires a personalized attention of the attainment of the quality of the graduate, so as to respond to the changes and transformations demanded by society at present. For this reason, the communicative formation of the student of Spanish–Literature education major gains a paramount significance because the future teacher should be a linguistic model for his/her students. Therefore, not always the students enrolling in higher education have an adequate communicative competence, as observed in their participation in different activities, the interview and the defense of their project works. At the same time, the consulting of the ruling documents of this education major shows that the didactic orientation of the oral discourse is not achieved in the teaching activities. Thus, the objective of the research is to elaborate a methodology for the communicative formation of the student. The application of the methodology during two academic years have made possible the implementation of indicators to evaluate the students’ oral discourse in the contexts where they interact, showing a higher qualitative and quantitative change in their communicative formation.


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How to Cite
The Communicative Training of the Spanish Literature Student in Cuba. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(2), 10.
Author Biography

María Rodríguez Cosme, Universidad de Oriente

Profesora Titular. Universidad de Oriente. Faculta Ciencias de la Educación.
Carrera Educación Primaria.
Licenciada en especialidad Español Literatura.  

La investigadora ha sido sistemática en sus motivaciones por diversos temas de índole educativa. Ha incursionado en temáticas de interdisciplinariedad en el área de la lengua materna y para la escuela primaria citadina o rural. Se ha especializado en estos últimos años en temas de educación rural,  en aras de ofrecer alternativas para una formación mucho más integral. Es colaboradora de un Proyecto a nivel nacional dirigido a las escuelas rurales en Cuba y miembro de la Red iberoamericana de educación rural. Trabaja en la formación de maestros primarios en la Universidad de Oriente en Cuba.

How to Cite

The Communicative Training of the Spanish Literature Student in Cuba. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(2), 10.