The Management of the Intangible Mining Heritage. A Look from the Training

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Teresa Montoya Hernández
Jorge Montoya Rivera
Alina Cuadréns Villalón


The intangible heritage is part of the cultural heritage of a community, from the knowledge of the roots, traditions, and customs to strengthen the identity, given the symbolism that includes patrimonial assets in this context. His study in the pedagogical field is a fundamental pillar in education, generating a basic awareness on the management of mining assets that preserves and respects their values. In the mining industries, tangible and intangible goods are converted that can be part of the mining geological heritage in Cuba, and that is a system epistemologically the training process in the management of intangible mining heritage.


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The Management of the Intangible Mining Heritage. A Look from the Training. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(2), 5.

How to Cite

The Management of the Intangible Mining Heritage. A Look from the Training. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(2), 5.