Reflections Toward the Overcoming of the Angolan Teacher to favour theIntellectual Enrichment of the School

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Marilia Soares Da Costa


The professional improvement of teachers in the Republic of Angola is today a challenge to improve the learning process in the different educational levels, in particular in how to promote the intellectual enrichment of the students, which implies the Better assimilation of content, acquisition of skills, capacities and development of intelligence. In this endeavor each teacher plays a key role in achieving it, in coordination with other agencies and educational influences. In current research It is pointed out that every school can achieve intellectual development and has potential to develop various types of intelligence, the scope of this proposal requires the preparation of the teacher to stimulate the Different ways, styles and strategies of learning, remembering, acting, and understanding. This article aims to offer some important theoretical reflection st have guidelines on the role of the teacher, during the learning process, for the intellectual enrichment of Angolan school children. For which theoretical cutting me tho dssuch as analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction and her me neuritics we reused.


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How to Cite
Reflections Toward the Overcoming of the Angolan Teacher to favour theIntellectual Enrichment of the School. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(3), 6.

How to Cite

Reflections Toward the Overcoming of the Angolan Teacher to favour theIntellectual Enrichment of the School. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(3), 6.