Contextualized Study of Language Skills in Children with Hearing Loss in an Educational Unit in Guayaquil




Hearing Loss, Language Skills, Educational Strategies


Some people, due to the fact of presenting a hearing disability, face a series of difficulties in certain daily activities and in the development of the main facets of life in general. It constitutes a reality that is expressed worldwide, with the highest incidence rate in Latin America. In Ecuador, at the September of 2019, according to the National Council for the Equality of Disabilities, there are 479,911 people with some type of disability, 65,335 of these have hearing impairments of which in the canton Guayaquil, there are 9.999. Of the total of people with con disabilities, only 46.100 have access to the education system and, specifically of deaf people in Guayaquil city, only 730, there are registered in this system. This article aims to explore this phenomenon in the Municipal School of Audition and Language of the Canton Guayaquil, an institution that provides basic-regular education, and that must develop linguistic skills in hearing impaired students, raises the teaching of written language from a structuralist conception that It consists no in a system of norms that govern the isolated elements for the use of language, but it is a collection of grammatical structures that is what must be taught. The acquisition of language is assumed as a set of habits that can be achieved through reinforcement, discipline, order and repetition, that is, the stimulus-response principle, which constitutes a modest contribution of Science Social, in general, and Psychology in particular. We will establish a descriptive study, with 13 students of Basic Cycle, whose ages are between 3 and 6 years. They were applied as instruments of information collection are: observation sheets and polls. The results showed little knowledge on the part of the teachers about the development of linguistic abilities on their students. Teachers recognize this problem, but feel that they lack educational resources.



How to Cite

Contextualized Study of Language Skills in Children with Hearing Loss in an Educational Unit in Guayaquil. (2020). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 8(3), 4.