Inventory Valuation, its Legal Incidence. Methods for your Study

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David Miravet Rodríguez
María Rodríguez Cosme


The violation of the legal assets of a third party carries a liability arising from the illegal act. This relationship is also manifested in labor rights between the employer and the employee. It is common that in this relationship, the right of one of the parties is violated, but when the violation occurs involving the wealth of a State or private company by the employee, it can start a labor or civil process for the employee, which in some cases can be a criminal case depending on the magnitude of the event that occurred. There for, the objective is to reflation about the violation the regulation in the work. The decision on what kind of law should be applied is based on legal rules establishing the extent of the violation of the legal assets. For this determination, it is necessary to obtain the legal value of the violated asset, which is determined by accounting-endorsed certificates, which in turn is governed by inventory valuation methods that weight the value of all goods of similar characteristics in stock. Therefore, in some cases, the value obtained from the accounting is not the actual value of the good according to your purchase invoice.


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How to Cite
Inventory Valuation, its Legal Incidence. Methods for your Study. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(1), 4.

How to Cite

Inventory Valuation, its Legal Incidence. Methods for your Study. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(1), 4.