The Orifical Content of the Methods of Moral Regulation of the Behavior

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José Aguilera Amaro
Maricelys Manzano García


The study of the thematic morals is momentous in the current context, keeping in mind the changes and vertiginous transformations that are experienced, where the influence of a crisis of the morality is appreciated, mainly, of the existence of contradictions among multiple moral systems, some antagonistic ones. Having in consideration that the extreme flexibilización of the behavior, on one hand, and the excessive coercion for other, permean a scenario where the fellows don't find good handle for their behavior, it is indispensable the development of an integrative conception on the moral regulation, highlighting their methods regulators. The proposal has as objective to expose methods of moral regulation of the behavior, as contribution to clarify the rules for this exercise type.


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How to Cite
The Orifical Content of the Methods of Moral Regulation of the Behavior. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(1), 7.

How to Cite

The Orifical Content of the Methods of Moral Regulation of the Behavior. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(1), 7.