Basic Skills System for Computer Algorithmization

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Isabel Alonso Berenguer


The work proposes a Basic System of Abilities for Computational Algorithmization, which favors the improvement of the teaching-learning process of the programming subjects. This system was created by means of the Functional-Structural Systemic Method and had as objective, the orientation to the professors on the formation of abilities required for the elaboration of computational algorithms. It provides the definition of each of them, explains the importance of their training, exemplifies them, specifies their relationship with the other skills of the system and provides methodological guidelines for teachers to introduce them in their teaching. The intention is to start working with students in the formation of abilities of lower complexity degree, which, when applied and interrelated, will lead to the development of more complex ones, until they are able to achieve effective computational algorithms. The viability and relevance of the system were analyzed through socialization workshops with specialists, concluding that it is a useful tool to guide the process of computational algorithm formation.


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How to Cite
Basic Skills System for Computer Algorithmization. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(1), 14.

How to Cite

Basic Skills System for Computer Algorithmization. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(1), 14.