The Synchronous Method in the Teaching of Electronics

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Osmany Rivaflecha Calás
Cristina Rodríguez Rodríguez


The continuous improvement of the curricula in Higher Education imposes the need for the application of curricular alternatives that satisfy the demands that society establishes for educational institutions. This is only possible through a scientific direction of the Teaching-Learning Process that stimulates the agents of the process to transform their reality from the conception and projection of methods that stimulate cognitive independence, the expression of the creative capacities of the student, the promotion of knowledge from the integration of procedures. The present work approaches a methodological didactic conception of a method that stimulates the experimental training in the technical branches, especially the performance of the professionals of the Electrical specialty from the interpretation of electronics. It concentrates its efforts in the undergraduate stage from the attention of this discipline, in the academic, labor and investigative functions in order to influence and facilitate the ways of acting of the professional in training from the expression of professional skills in a leading role and the fulfillment of the social commission raised.


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How to Cite
The Synchronous Method in the Teaching of Electronics. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 9.

How to Cite

The Synchronous Method in the Teaching of Electronics. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 9.