Methodology for the Integration of Contained in the Formation of the Professional of the Education

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Rosa Martínez Sánchez
Julia Céspedes Acuña


In the zeal of giving to the society a professional of the more and more prepared education to face the challenges that it supposes their acting at the present time, the integration of the contents that he/she receives in the different disciplines and subjects that conform the curriculum, possesses an unquestionable importance in their initial formation, since it must place it under better conditions to solve the professional problems that are the inherent. The Discipline Main Integrative investigative labor Formation, effective in the plan of study of the university careers in Cuba, it constitutes an ideal scenario for the concretion of the integration of contents in the different contexts in that the student is developed, however, inadequacies that limit such a purpose in the practice exist. The above-mentioned justifies the relevancy of the methodology that here is presented whose been they have already been proven.


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How to Cite
Methodology for the Integration of Contained in the Formation of the Professional of the Education. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 7.

How to Cite

Methodology for the Integration of Contained in the Formation of the Professional of the Education. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 7.