Calligraphic Rehabilitation of the Primary Teacher in Initial Formation

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María Lescaille Rivera


Cuba have a rich tradition on cursive letter teaching, that is the official style of de Education National System. For they, has elaborated standards for it and an alphabetical model, whose features are a simplification of Palmer Model. The responsible to the transmission of that inheritance at the primary school ́s student are the teachers, however, the initial training programs have presented scarcities in this sense, provoking a loss in the quality of the learning in the primary students.
This investigation centered it ́s attention in this problem: insufficiencies in the treatment to the written language, in the primary teacher ́s on initial formation, that they limit his professional calligraphic performance in the different contexts where they act.
The contribution is a systemic modulation of the process of teaching itself getting a rehabilitation of the calligraphic knowledge’s in these student, whose feasibility was verified by means of a pre- experimentation planned from didactic prospective strategy.
This article have as objective, socializing the experience obtained as contribution to the primary teachers of another universities and school dedicated to the initial formation of theaters in order that the cursive writing not die because this is the way of the manual writing what else fits to the flight of the thought.


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How to Cite
Calligraphic Rehabilitation of the Primary Teacher in Initial Formation. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 7.

How to Cite

Calligraphic Rehabilitation of the Primary Teacher in Initial Formation. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 7.