The Permanent Training of the Teacher who Teaches Political Culture from the Scientific-Integrative Perspective

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Alina Cuadréns Villalón
Xavier Lasso León
Yimelsis García Pérez


The article shows the foundations that support the design of the professional development course: The permanent training of the teacher who teaches Political Culture from the scientific-integrative perspective, as a way to manage the updating of the knowledge and skills system of the professionals of the Upper secondary education as part of the third improvement of the National System of Education in Cuba. The potentialities of the development of professional skills are highlighted, which favor scientific-integrative professionalization to raise the quality of their professional performance, contributing to their ongoing training. The design of the course gives a leading role to professionals and to the system of methodological guidelines that are perfected to achieve a scientific-pedagogical culture.


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How to Cite
The Permanent Training of the Teacher who Teaches Political Culture from the Scientific-Integrative Perspective. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(3), 13.
Author Biography

Alina Cuadréns Villalón, Universidad de Oriente

Professor of the Department of Marxism Leninism of the University of the University of the East. He has participated in national and international events. It has publications in high impact journals. He directs the Honorary Chair "Frank País García".

How to Cite

The Permanent Training of the Teacher who Teaches Political Culture from the Scientific-Integrative Perspective. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(3), 13.