Guidance for teachers to develop language in students in the sixth year of life

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Lic. Berenis Silva Pérez
Ariolki Fumero Pérez, Dr.C.
Turmin Pérez Lambert, Dr.C.


In the childhood preescolar, the 6to year of life he/she has inside their priorities the pursuit to the development of the language of the educandos, what guarantees their entrance to the primary school. In this sense it is fundamental the preparation of the educational ones in orientation logopédica, of group with the specialist in logopedia; with the result that he/she intends as objective of the work, the elaboration of a methodological variant for the orientation to educational for the development of the language in 6to year-old educandos. This investigation was deliberate, in the Infantile Circle The two Nightingales, in the school course 2022-2023, located in the Christ, municipality Santiago from Cuba. With this purpose theoretical, empiric methods and the percentage calculation were used for the qualitative and quantitative valuation of the results; as well as the triangulation of data. As results, a methodological variant is shown directed to the the sixth year-old superación of the educational ones, for the improvement of the methodological work, prioritizing the dimension Communication; potenciando in her also the I diagnose singular and grupal, the attention to the diversity and the educational inclusion.


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How to Cite
Guidance for teachers to develop language in students in the sixth year of life. (2024). Revista De investigación, formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 12(3), 13-18.

How to Cite

Guidance for teachers to develop language in students in the sixth year of life. (2024). Revista De investigación, formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 12(3), 13-18.


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