Identities: approach to youth identity

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Evelyn de la Llana Pérez
Sheila Bringas León
Walter Jorge Cruzata


The issue of identities becomes recurrent in this new century. We find ourselves in a constant confrontation
between equity, social justice and the tendencies to globalize a world dominated by transnational capital. Faced with this dilemma, identities burst into the social context as a powerful weapon in defense of the historical and cultural traditions of the various communities. This topic has been the epicenter of evaluations of those who have tried to argue the differences, specificities and cultural similarities in the development of peoples, as well as the formation of their qualities and the way of expressing them. However, like any intra- and inter-subjective process, the formation of the identity characteristics of an individual, group or collectivity is continuous, nuanced by moments of rupture, which force the resizing of meanings and allow their permanent evolution. This article analyzes the different theoretical perspectives and positions, referring to the issue of identity construction and especially youth identity.


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How to Cite
Identities: approach to youth identity. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(2), 11.

How to Cite

Identities: approach to youth identity. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(2), 11.