The initial training of the speech therapist supported by the sciences Neuropsychology, Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics

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Daniela Bertot Casals
Odalys Piña Batista
Sheila Bringas León


The speech therapist, in addition to providing speech therapy treatment, must know the areas of the brain
that intervene in language, as well as the relationship established between them and the role of each one
in the development of this process. This situation requires that the importance for society be studied, the
preparation of speech therapists and from the training it means finding a solution to the theoretical and
practical gaps that have been evidenced up to now. From the field of action, a dichotomy is revealed
between the real needs of speech therapists and the content of the activities established in their training.
The objective of this article is to present the solution to these training insufficiencies through a Subject Program. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. From the formative-academic aspect, the student
manages to develop skills for exploration and diagnosis in neuropsychology and neurolinguistics, based
on the pertinent use of tests and neurocognitive evaluation instruments that serve him for the integral
speech therapy diagnosis.


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How to Cite
The initial training of the speech therapist supported by the sciences Neuropsychology, Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 11(2), 6.

How to Cite

The initial training of the speech therapist supported by the sciences Neuropsychology, Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 11(2), 6.