Emotional intelligence in ecuatorian college centers: a bibliographicrevision of the costa and sierra regions of Ecuador.

Main Article Content

Nerie Cuenca Flores
Lórien Vinueza Rodríguez


The objective of this bibliographic review article is to analyze Emotional Intelligence (EI) in university
students from the Ecuadorian Coast and Sierra region; It was carried out from the review of articles in
DSpace repositories of local universities, as well as Scielo, Scopus and Google Scholar. The present
literature review was carried out consulting national and international sources, at least 14 studies
were selected as a sample. The methodology used was carried out through the systematic review of
databases, the selection of articles and/or documents relevant to the topic, and the concise
description of the results found. EI is a key aspect in the daily interaction of university students, being
beneficial to adequately manage stress, interpersonal relationships, academic performance, among
others. The need to include EI as a fundamental factor in the academic process of future
professionals to promote the comprehensive well-being of students, the acquisition of tools and
professional skills necessary in the interaction between colleagues and professionals is evident.


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How to Cite
Emotional intelligence in ecuatorian college centers: a bibliographicrevision of the costa and sierra regions of Ecuador. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 11(2), 11. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v11i2.418

How to Cite

Emotional intelligence in ecuatorian college centers: a bibliographicrevision of the costa and sierra regions of Ecuador. (2023). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 11(2), 11. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v11i2.418