Guidance of the Educational Task in the Assistant Cooperative Learning: Reflections Regarding Inclusion in the Training Process of the Nursing Professionals

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Luis Alberto Alzate Peralta
Francisco Trejo del Pino
Odette Martínez Pérez


Team's educational task becomes a transversal axis and integrating nucleus of the cooperative assistance learning, since it allows establishing the conditionsof cooperation that are given in professional nursing team. The present article presents three stages of the relationship system of a socio-educational pedagogical conception, where the dynamics of the team task in the ascending transits to upper stages of learning are expressed, as well as the role of the teaching teacher in each of them, the Which favors the inclusion of the different learning styles, in a role designation that starts from the identification of individual potentialities, direct support in the nursing technical procedures and finally the promotion of the student's independence according to the own recognition and self-evaluations of them, with respect to the skills and abilities reached to be presented in the exams of end of rnajor.


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How to Cite
Guidance of the Educational Task in the Assistant Cooperative Learning: Reflections Regarding Inclusion in the Training Process of the Nursing Professionals. (2017). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 5(1), 10.

How to Cite

Guidance of the Educational Task in the Assistant Cooperative Learning: Reflections Regarding Inclusion in the Training Process of the Nursing Professionals. (2017). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 5(1), 10.