An Innovative, Transformative and Prospective Approach to the Methodological Work in Undergraduate Training

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Maribel Ferrer Vicente
María M. Castillo


The management of the process of professional training in universities has as via essential a system of methodological work that qualifies directive and educational for the understanding and setting in practice of the plans and study programs, sustained in the pedagogic principle of the unit of the instruction and the education and of linking of the theory with the practice that locates the educational work in the center of the process and its results, with an innovative focus, transformer and prospective. The objective of the report is to reveal qualities that propitiate the understanding of the importance of the methodological work as strategic support of the administration of the process of the professional's training in the universities, of its didactic, systemic, preventive and participative nature to promote the change of the improvement of the quality and the social ownership.


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How to Cite
An Innovative, Transformative and Prospective Approach to the Methodological Work in Undergraduate Training. (2017). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 5(3), 10.
Author Biography

Maribel Ferrer Vicente, Universidad de Oriente

Licenciada en Matemática, investigadora, académica y directiva con resultados relevantes nacional e internacionalmente en la docencia de pregrado y postgrado, así como por  sus  resultados científicos investigativos y como tutora de tesis doctorales y de maestrías en diferentes países. Ha recibido premios y menciones de gran trascendencia personal y social. Recibió el título de profesor EMERITO de la prestigiosa Universidad de Oriente. Cuba.

How to Cite

An Innovative, Transformative and Prospective Approach to the Methodological Work in Undergraduate Training. (2017). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 5(3), 10.