Case study: An alternative of competence training for educational guidance

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Manuel Alejandro Romero León
Elsa I. Montenegro


The present work is part of a research developed in the faculty of Nursing-Health Technology, due to the insufficiencies in the professional performance of the Health Technology teachers, which limit their formative action towards the students, so employs the case study as an alternative for the implementation of the methodology for the training of the competence for the educational orientation in these teachers, which contributes to its adequate professional performance as a way to improve the formative process of the students, it was used Empirical methods such as interviews with managers, criteria of users and specialists. The proposed alternative is a way to check the feasibility of the proposed methodology, highlighting the social impact, taking into account that a professional is trained with responsibility in health services; the application revealed its importance as an immediate process for the formation of said competence; its establishment, made it possible for teachers to participate in a flexible way, and results were obtained that contributed to the formation of the competition.


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How to Cite
Case study: An alternative of competence training for educational guidance. (2018). Revista De investigación, formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(3), 7.

How to Cite

Case study: An alternative of competence training for educational guidance. (2018). Revista De investigación, formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(3), 7.