Epistemology of Preventive Guidance. A Function of the Teacher

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Giselle Rodriguez Caballero
Ana Caballero Rodriguez
Gregory Naranjo Vaca


The titled work Epistemología of the function preventive orientadora. The teacher's function, leaves of recognizing the founda tions that sustain the formation processes, orientation and the prevention, how they have been approached from different postures and theoretical positions. The ir objective is guided to the improvement of the process of the student's of Degree initial formation in Education. Primary and the necessity of their preparation like social agent of the culture and of the education of the new generations. For the development of the thematic one methods like analysis syn the sis were used, historical logical, systemic structural, observation, interviews, revision of documents. The ways of performance professional preventive orientador are included for the function preventive orientadora in the students of the Degree of Education. Primary.


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How to Cite
Epistemology of Preventive Guidance. A Function of the Teacher. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(3), 8. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v7i3.164
Author Biography

Giselle Rodriguez Caballero, Universidad de Oriente

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Giselle Aurelia Rodriguez Caballero. He has been a teacher for more than 14 years, 10 of them in Higher Education in the General Pedagogical Training Discipline Department. He has published in high-impact journals. Defending Masters thesis in Education Sciences, Specialty in psychopedagogical teaching and the PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, which is proof of his constant improvement as an Education professional.

How to Cite

Epistemology of Preventive Guidance. A Function of the Teacher. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(3), 8. https://doi.org/10.34070/rif.v7i3.164