Attention to the Graduate: Its Incidence in the Training of Teaching Staff for theRural Sector

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Jorge Cáceres Ortiz
Fidel Cubillas Quintana
Yordany Meneses Romero


At the present time is a concern and follow-up care to graduates of universities, in particular those of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, with emphasis on the rural sector. In the paper the results of a completed investigation are presented, aimed wing teacher training for the rural sector. It is based on the socio-historical-cultural postulates of Vigotski, where it is revealed to man as the center of activity, and is particularized in the activity of direction and professional management activity. To enter this field of knowledge were employed as methods of empirical level: pedagogical observation, educational testing, the survey, the pre-experiment and analysis of documents, the theoretical analysis and synthesis, the historical and logical were used, systemic and inductive and deductive. The implementation in school practice occurs in the province of Sancti Spiritus, where they found that under favorable conditions the expected results were achieved.


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How to Cite
Attention to the Graduate: Its Incidence in the Training of Teaching Staff for theRural Sector. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(3), 9.

How to Cite

Attention to the Graduate: Its Incidence in the Training of Teaching Staff for theRural Sector. (2019). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 7(3), 9.