The Revista de Investigación, Formación y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, fulfills one of the objectives set by the editorial committee of the same, which consists of advancing towards the culture of debate, thus responding to the challenges and demands of the so-called “age of knowledge”, reflected with special emphasis on the learning contexts of higher education around the world.

Published: 2021-12-30

Employee Motivation: Essential For Productive Efficiency

David Miravet Rodríguez, María Rodríguez Cosme (Author)


Critical Thinking in the Initial Teacher Training

Militza Novoa Seminario, Gilberto Carrión Barco (Author)


Neurodidactic Strategy: Consolidate Understanding of Learning in Cognitive Awakening

Jaime González Sánchez, Carlos Núñez Michuy, Susana Guaraca Parreño (Author)