Importance of I+D+i in Companies and National Development

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Nexar Manzaba
Evelyn de la Llana


The I+D+i contributes to the development and competitiveness of organizations and with that to regions and countries; which makes it acquire more and more relevance assuming the criterion that innovation is thinking differently; introducing something new, which did not previously exist, which is very different from improving what exists. In the present work, theoretical approaches related to R + D + i are analyzed, as well as the advantages it offers for the development of more competitive products and services in the national and international market and adapted to the needs of customers.


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How to Cite
Importance of I+D+i in Companies and National Development. (2019). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 1(1), 9.

How to Cite

Importance of I+D+i in Companies and National Development. (2019). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 1(1), 9.