Market Study for Brand Positioning of the Training University in the Durán Canton

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Rosa A. Moreira


The present research aims to carry out a market study to identify the positioning of the brand of the Higher Technological University of Training in its entry into the Duran canton, in this study an analysis can be developed through surveys carried out to the inhabitants of this sector and interviews that have been carried out with those directly involved with the research institution. With this analysis, it is possible to recognize the importance of the entry of this brand in to improve the conditions of the inhabitants of this sector and to know what is the most effective way to achieve a brand positioning in the same canton, until now it has not been raised no other solution that evidences the continuous promotion of the careers offered by the Institution that is the object of this study. Durán is a canton that has 235,769 inhabitants, and so far no Higher Education Institution has been established in that town.


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Market Study for Brand Positioning of the Training University in the Durán Canton. (2021). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 3(1), 12.

How to Cite

Market Study for Brand Positioning of the Training University in the Durán Canton. (2021). Formative Research Journal: Innovation and Technical Applications - Technological, 3(1), 12.