The family and language development in early childhood
Main Article Content
The continuous improvement in educational matters that occurs in current times, demand for
professionals and families with broad preparation with the requirement to contribute to the integral
educational training of the personality of the children, adolescents and young people who guarantee
quality of life and that allows them active performance in the various areas of social development.
That is why verbal communicative activity, from the oral expression contextualized in life, constitutes a
governing element on which attention should be focused. This, without a doubt, becomes one of the
most incidence problems in preschool education, in recent decades. The analyzes carried out to
corroborate that there are insufficiencies in the preparation of the early childhood family to contribute
to the development of oral language and experiential understanding in fourth year children, which
implies that children's vocabulary (as well as) In this eternary phase, limitation evidenced the research
aims to offer suggestions of activities, based on daily experiences of the family, so that they can be
used to enrich vocabulary and oral understanding. The validity of the proposal is found with the use of
different methods, procedures and alternatives in favor of the application of workshops with the family,
which in turn constitutes a feasible, viable and valid route in the solution of the problem posed.
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Este trabajo tiene licencia DE Atribución/Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
How to Cite
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