Methodological Proposal for the Development of Agricultural Culture in the Training of the Middle level Veterinary Zootechnist

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Yamilka Sosa Oliva
Yury Bueno Montaña
Sonia García Jerez


The objective of the postulate is to expose the result once the application of the method was gotten from pedagogic experiment, in his pre-experimental variant, accomplished as part of a project of investigation that thesis of mastery happened. You apply a methodology that favors the development of the agricultural culture of the students of the specialty over this Zootechny Veterinaria. The principal obtained result, this one managed to favor the formation of the agricultural culture in the process of teaching in learning of the subject of study General Zootechny, on the base of the appropriation of productive agricultural basic processes, the development of professional basic abilities, the professional moral values and creativity. As one has essential conclusion than system of procedures managed to establish a logical sequence in the didactic treatment of the contents of the subject of study that made it possible to the elements gone aboard in each stage come to the point with the implementation of the methodology; The one that you came near with to the declared result.


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How to Cite
Methodological Proposal for the Development of Agricultural Culture in the Training of the Middle level Veterinary Zootechnist. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 5.
Author Biography

Yamilka Sosa Oliva, University of Granma

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, research professor at the Center for Education Studies in Granma (CEdEG), University of Granma, Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba.

How to Cite

Methodological Proposal for the Development of Agricultural Culture in the Training of the Middle level Veterinary Zootechnist. (2021). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 9(2), 5.