Methodological foundation of the determination of the essentiality of the contents for a pertinent learning

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Karelia Díaz Jaime
Rosa Jaime Ojea
Esther Céspedes Acuña


The methodological foundation to guide the determination of the esencialidads of the contents is a
current themes and of a lot of importance by the light of the special conditions in which are been carrying out the current education at worldwide level. The dispersion as for the theoretical budgets about the themes, it is indispensable condition for the build of the present work, for the who carried out the revision of the documentation to disposition of the authors, based one's opinion on the methods of analysis, synthesis, inductive, deductive, moderation and hermeneutic. For the same departed from previous relating studies to the topic of the own authors and national and foreign authors. All it permits give as resultant a path that finds one's bearings the steps a follow to decide the esencialidads of the contents from the programs of course and guarantee the pertinent apprenticeship of the students in the year independently of the specialty that it frequents.


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How to Cite
Methodological foundation of the determination of the essentiality of the contents for a pertinent learning. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(3), 10.

How to Cite

Methodological foundation of the determination of the essentiality of the contents for a pertinent learning. (2022). Revista De Investigación, Formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 10(3), 10.