The Training of Ethical Values in the Professional Projection of the Attorney in theXXI Century: Proposal of a Strategy

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Odette Martínez Perez
Yalenni Pérez Urquisa
Noemi Delgado Álvarez


The human being owns his actions; hence any person can decide between doing good or evil. In this sense, ethics is linked to the morality that governs the correct act. For some years, societies have been influenced by postmodernism as an ideology and the effects of globalization, which means intercontinental interconnections and imprints a unifying character on our planet. It is very common to think that globalization is only found in the economy, or in the development of communication technologies, as is the case of the Internet, but this phenomenon is much more complex, its multidimensionality also includes edges such as ecological, politics, culture and ethics.


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How to Cite
The Training of Ethical Values in the Professional Projection of the Attorney in theXXI Century: Proposal of a Strategy. (2018). Revista De investigación, formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(1), 6.

How to Cite

The Training of Ethical Values in the Professional Projection of the Attorney in theXXI Century: Proposal of a Strategy. (2018). Revista De investigación, formación Y Desarrollo: Generando Productividad Institucional, 6(1), 6.